
Source : ct|01.06.13

< Mathematics and physics

Laplacian of a scalar field

 Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) par Sophie Feytaud
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) by Sophie Feytaud
Source Commons wikimedia : image public domain

The Laplacian does not appear in the words commonly used in the dictionary. In mathematics and physics, it represents a differential operator used in vector analysis. Its name pays homage to the work done by the mathematician, astronomer and French physicist Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827).
What is the precise definition of this operator and what is it exactly ?…

1) Definition

Consider a scalar field (or scalar potential) U(x,y,z). We call Laplacian of this field U(x,y,z) the divergence of the gradient of U(x,y,z)
We write the Laplacian of a scalar field U
with the Laplacian operator equal to
and i =(1,0,0), j=(0,1,0), k=(0,0,1)

2) Meaning

To illustrate what represents the Laplacian of a scalar field U (x,y,z) at a point M (x,y,z), we use the simple case of a scalar field U (x) with one dimension at a point M (x) and the case of a scalar field U (x,y) with two dimensions at a point M (x,y).

• With one dimension, the Laplacian of a scalar field U(x) at a point M(x) is equal to the second derivative of the scalar field U(x) with respect to the variable x.
dU/dx, derivative of U(x) at the point M(x) is the slope of the tangent to the curve U(x) in this point. It represents the infinitesimal variation of U(x) relative to an infinitesimal change in x at this point.
d²U/dx², second derivative of U(x) at the point M(x) is the slope of the derivative U'(x)=dU/dx at this point. It represents the infinitesimal variation of U'(x) relative to an infinitesimal change in x at this point.

If one is interested in the local form of the function y =U(x) over an interval of width d we distinguish the following three cases :

Laplacien d'un champ scalaire à une dimension
Laplacian of a one-dimensional scalar field

The Laplacian of a scalar field U(x) at a point M(x) indicates the concavity of this field at this point.

We can extend this reasoning to a two-dimesnional scalar field U(x, y).

Laplacien d'un champ scalaire à deux dimensions
Laplacian of a two-dimensional scalar field

In conclusion
The Laplacian of a scalar field U(x,y,z) at a point M(x,y,z) indicates the concavity of this field at this point.


Considering a vector field V(x,y,z) = Vx(x,y,z) i + Vy(x,y,z) j + Vz(x,y,z) k

The Laplacian ΔV(x,y,z) of this vector field is a vector whose components are equal to the Laplacians of the components of the vector V(x,y,z).


Consider the scalar field U(x,y) = x³ defined on RxR.
Calculate the Laplacian of this scalar field. Deduce the concavity of this field on RxR.


We havea
ΔU ‹ 0 for x є [-∞,0[ x [-∞,+∞]
ΔU=0 for x = (0,0)
ΔU › 0 for x є ]0,+ ∞] x [-∞,+∞]

Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates

Cylindrical coordinates system

Consider, in cylindrical coordinates, a scalar field U(r,θ,z) and a vector
E (r,θ,z) = Er (r,θ,z) u + Eθ(r,θ,z) v + Ez(r,θ,z) k = grad U
ΔU = div (grad U) = div E
the Laplacian of U is equal to the divergence of E, hence

Laplacian in spherical coordinates

Spherical coordinates system

Consider, in spherical coordinates, a scalar field U(r,θ,φ) and a vector
E (r,θ,φ) = Er (r,θ,φ) u + Eθ(r,θ,φ) v + Eφ(r,θ,φ) w = grad U
ΔU = div (grad U) = div E

the Laplacian of U is equal to the divergence of E, hence

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